Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sat 8: Gadgets

do you have any of the following gadgets, and what kind? when did you get them?

1. cellphone?

Yes...lemme see...1997.

2. digital camera?

Yes, 1999.

3. video camera?

Yes, 1999.

4. video game console?

Yes, it was a gift for the HB. I'm going to say 2004.

5. TiVo/DVR?

Oh HELL YES. 2000.

6. mp3 player/iPod?

Yup (mp3). 2002 was my first.

7. laptop computer?

Can't live without it....1995 or so.

8. any widget or app on your phone or computer to makes your life easier (commute time calculator, on-time flight alert, zocdoc, etc.)?

None that I can think of...I'm not a big extra app person.

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