Thursday, October 25, 2007

No, No and Hell No

During the same week that Bush & company start beating the war drums to go into Iran, the president asks Congress for a ton of green to keep the war going in Iraq. As usual, he couches it in emotional (political) blackmail terms of, "Well, you can disagree with the war, but we have to support the troops and this money is the only way to do it." What a bunch of shit.

This is the direct result of Congress being such a bunch of pussies earlier in the year. Remember, that's when they said they would cut back on war funding, W threatened a veto and then Congress said, "Just kidding, here's your money." Had they persisted and shoved a reduction in funding down Bush's throat by attaching it to general budget bill, we would have had a change in war strategy by now. But they didn't and we don't.

If Bush's request is granted, we are guaranteed that the next president will be faced with exactly the same situation we have now. Better to force Bush to clean up his own mess now and give the next president a chance to implement his/her own policy in Iraq.

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