Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Blowing Through the Windy City

I had a quick (<36 hours) trip to Chicago on Sunday/Monday. It was my intention to blog on Sunday night, but the hotel didn't have reasonably priced internet access (phone line or wireless). Why is it that the cheapie hotels offer free internet and the moderately expensive ones don't. Sheesh.

The reason for the trip was a board meeting of a professional organization to which I belong. I figure if you're a member of a volunteer organization and they ask you to participate/lead it your fist instinct should be "Yes". Unfortunately, this group lacks a unifying purpose for existence (which is not to imply it's a waste of time, because it's not), so it makes the board meetings painful due to endless discussions of mission and strategy instead of getting things done.

One of the "laws" of psychology is that personality is stable. However, this trip reminds me of how I've changed. I used to love going to meetings and conferences to schmooze and network. Now, not so much. I don't know if it's because I learned that a little gets me as much as a lot in terms of making contacts or because I've become more of an introvert (feeling that being in large groups drains rather than energizes me). Regardless, due to the nature of the meeting and my lack of interest in schmoozing, I got on the first flight home yesterday, which had the added benefit of allowing me to go to my Rotary board meeting. At least there we actually get stuff done because we have clear mission.

I'll leave you with a great restaurant recommendation in Chicago: Yoshi's Cafe.

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