Friday, July 18, 2008

Poll, Pt 2

OK, sorry for the basketball digression. Back to the poll.

McCain's people have been bitching that Obama gets more coverage than their guy, especially for his upcoming international trip. The media claims it's because people need to learn more about Obama's positions on international issues. Well, the media's own poll says otherwise in that only about 5% of the respondents don't have enough information about Obama to form an opinion about him (page 3).

From a campaign perspective, the results show that Obama's blueprint of making McCain look like Bush is working. People can't stand the war and think the economy sucks, but 78% think that McCain will continue Bush's Iraq policy and 60% think he would continue W's economic policy (see page 16). Changing those numbers (probably about the policy in Iraq and how they view McCain on the economy) is the big challenge for the republican nominee's campaign.

Of course, the poll is misleading since we don't have one big popular vote for prez (sorry, Al), but it does highlight how important the African-American vote. BTW--African Americans are 13.5% of the US population, which makes the results on page 27 pretty hilarious (how can have a TV and think this country is 50% or more black?).

No postings about politics for a few days...promise.

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