Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day Round-Up

Ah, the day after Thanksgiving. It's a day where the quality of football gets overlooked (the Arkansas-LSU and Texas A&M-Texas upsets were pretty sweet), but the leftovers don't.

Most everything went well yesterday. We went to my s-i-l's because my m-i-l is feeling poorly. So, I packed up what seemed like 25% of my kitchen to cook the turkey, stuffing and some carrots. My s-i-l made some other sides before she cracked her head and gave herself a cut on her head. Fortunately, she didn't bleed into the food.

The HB and my nephew had a great time. In fact, the HB slept there last night and is doing so tonite (talk about your holidays!). I think tonite that the wife and I are going to try and see Michael Clayton (again, it was sold out last time we tried to see it).

Earlier today I went to get our holiday cards taken care of. CVS was a complete pain in the ass...they couldn't print the 4x8 cards, which wouldn't have mattered since they didn't have the right sized enveloped. At Longs, the picture kiosks wouldn't read my disk, but I was able to get a guy there to print the picture off of his PC. Ugh. I hope they came out good.

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