Tuesday, December 18, 2007

That Time of the Year and a Week's Worth of Musings

OK, got most of my holiday cards out (OK, the friends in New Zealand are getting theirs WAY late this year). I send my business ones via e-mail, but my wife is still insistent on the tree-killing variety. And why she doesn't keep the addresses electronically is beyond me (of course, that could lead to that horror of horrors--printing labels!).

Last weekend was quite social. A few parties (including an afternoon martini party at a new boutique hotel near us), open houses, etc. Being an introvert, I thought my wife was going to crawl into a shell for all of Monday and Tuesday. The HB seemed to enjoy it all.

Speaking of the HB, I DVR'd the Lord of the Rings trilogy over the weekend. Since he's so into Harry Potter I figured he would enjoy it. So far he's good with it. We have to pause it every now and then so we can review all of the characters and what they are up to. But, he's following it pretty well and asking some good questions. I told him that he should consult an expert (Lynn) when he feels the need to.

LOTR was something Lynn and I shared when we were kids and when I went to see them in the theaters I thought of her. When I setup e-mail accounts for her I would always use Arwen as the password.

Observant readers have probably noticed that I haven't mentioned Lynn in a while. I wouldn't say that our relationship is dead, but it's on life support. The reasons are complicated and perhaps stupid. I'm not going to go into it now (I'm tired), but suffice it to say that I didn't like where it was, so I pulled back. I'm sad that things are they way they are, but it became apparent that having her out of my life was going to make me less miserable. And I'm better about it every day.

The HB's winter break starts on Thursday, so, of course, a friend is sleeping over on Wednesday. It's raining here. If it's snowing in the mountains I'll take the boys sledding. Otherwise, I think Thursday will be a day of GameBoy and The Golden Compass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm not doing cards unless i can physically give them to the people. this year, i'm just not caring about the cards.