Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Having a Merry One

Yesterday started out OK. I went to the doc for my annual physical. I maintained my weight (actually, minus a couple of pounds) and cholesterol (I guessed 285 and it was 286, though my 'good' cholesterol is 60). And nothing says, "Merry Christmas" like a quick prostate check (it's the right size and even). Of course, my HMO encourages me to get a physical every other year, and my doctor always asks why I bother coming in.

Speaking of being infirm, the HB has a stomach bug (I think my nephew also has it). He was very tired and not feeling well yesterday, puked when we got home last night, but felt good enough after that to hop in the jacuzzi with the wife and I. He woke up at 2:45am STARVING, so we gave him a bit to eat. Then, he slept in this morning (until after 9) and had a big ol' smile on his face cuz his stomach didn't hurt...for about 30 minutes. Then he started feeling poorly again, even after some breakfast. He didn't even make it all the way through his presents.

So, while the wife went to see her family for a bit, the HB and I are trying to get through Lord of the Rings (we made it through Two Towers and am hoping that we'll start on Return of the King in a little bit). It's definitely going to be a lazy day. At least he's felling a bit better.

1 comment:

lola h. said...

yay on the prostate! whoo!

merry mazeltov.