Friday, December 5, 2008

Small Milestones and Work

A couple of milestones at the Wrecker house on Friday.

First, Nugz the Pug had her 3rd birthday. Yes, we had a doggie cake (OK, wet dog food) with a candle in it. At least the wife has quit inviting over the neighbor kids and their dogs.

Second, we had a family game of Scrabble and the HB won. OK, he had a little bit of help at the beginning, but closed the deal himself. It was all very cool, though the NZS was a tad bent, but he's kinda competitive that way.

As I've mentioned before, one of the things that sucks about having my own biz is that my emotions can really swing depending on whether I get new customers or not. It's usually not that big of deal, but this week was something else.

I heard from a company that's referred me work before about a potential client. So, I work up some numbers for them and take a call with the client. Everything seemed to go OK. So, the dude who referred me calls back a couple of days later and says, "It all looks good, I'm gonna ink the deal tomorrow." Well, he calls back the next day and says that it's off. Fuck, but that kind of shit happens. Then, he calls back two days later and says that we are back on.

At this point, I don't know what to think until I get that first check. I should probably ask for some money down just to be sure they are serious.

In the meantime, I won a project that I submitted a proposal for (something I rarely do) and I sent in a bid for another project today. That one would be a cool entree to a big consulting firm, but we'll see. What they pay me cuts into their profits for the deal, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

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