Monday, May 25, 2009

More Weekend Stuff

Well, things have certainly changed since my last post. My wife and s-i-l got some major food poisoning from sharing a quiche at Mimi's cafe. My s-i-l, always one to look on the bright side () was happy that she puked and shitted 9lbs. The wife confessed that she hurled on four surfaces last night.

Before all of that went down, we did go see the new Night at the Museum. I wasn't wild about the first one and, like most sequels, this one was worse. However, the scenes where they are in that National Gallery and the paintings and sculptures come to life are pretty cool

So, my dad came up here today and picked up the HB from my s-i-l's. We grilled some great sausages from Jeff''s. Then we (me, my dad, the HB and NZS2) went the Norton Simon museum. Even though I just took the NZS2 to a museum (hm...I'm sensing a theme), I figured he'd like this one. Plus, it got us out of the house so the wife could sleep.

The museum has some of my favorite impressionist paintings, including Van Gogh's Mulberry Tree and Picasso's Woman with Book. And there's enough modern stuff to keep the HB interested. Of course, being the bad influence that I am, we made snide jokes about some of the religious paintings.

Back to the work thing tomorrow. The HB's got Thursday and Friday off, so I'll have to turn the money crank pretty hard on Tuesday and Wednesday.

1 comment:

lola said...

god, i hate Mimi's cafe. with a passion. now i hate it even more.

four surfaces? your wife's got talent!