Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Another Cali Election

Yesterday, we Californians went to the polls again. While there were some local elections, the bigger deal was a series of budget initiatives to alter either previous ones or change the state's constitution on spending issues. As I saw it, they were mostly stop-gap or smoke-and-mirrors schemes to paper over the state's financial problems, which are significant.

The long term issues, as I've written about before, is that CA is one of the few states that requires a 2/3 majority to pass a budget. So, a few ideologues (in this case, republicans) can stop a budget from passing. What leads to this problem is that the state assembly/house districts are so "safe" that there is a disincentive for anyone to compromise. Until this changes, CA will be stuck with shitty budgets.

Regardless, while Ahnald can use executive power to nibble at the edges of the problem, there's only so much he can do. I've got some other suggestions for him:

1) Release all non-violent drug offenders from state prison. Tell then that if they go through a rehab program and test clean for two years, the conviction will be expunged. They shouldn't be in prison in the first place and it's costing us a fortune.

2) CA has this stupid tax loophole for yacht purchases. Like any one thing, it's not going to close the entire budget gap, but it shows that the state is serious and that everyone's going to have to pitch in. Many people who rely on state services are going to lose them. In comparison, I think the well heeled won't be hurting from this too much.

3) Insist that the state funded health plan buys its drugs from Canadian providers. These drugs are safe and they are WAY cheaper. Note that health care is the biggest budget item in CA (and probably in your state, too). Also, if you don't think this will bring down drug costs across the country, you're crazy.

You're welcome, Guv.

Oh, Lakers in 6.

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