Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Remember when we were told that the root cause of our economic crisis was the collapse of the mortgage industry? Too many people got in over their heads when borrowing, then the banks stopped getting paid, then they stopped lending money, people started losing homes, businesses couldn't borrow, people wouldn't spend. Or something like that. Then we threw $350b to the banks and nothing changed, partially because they could do whatever the fuck they wanted to with the money. Since they pissed it away before, what made you think they'd spend it better this time? Exactly.

So, we have the $800b "stimulus" that addresses almost everything BUT the mortgage issue, and an announcement of another near $1t (with a T) to do whatever with the banks that didn't work last time. Why they can't figure out this out in DC is completely beyond me.

In the Wrecker house, some stimulus may be coming our way. My wife seems to think that one of her grants got a good enough score to be funded. We'll see.

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