Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama's Big Speech

I really want to write more about this, but it's late, I'm tired and I know I haven't posted in a few days. Here's the Cliff's Notes version:

1) The root cause is the mortgage problem with the banks. Let's fix that first before we throw a TRILLION a the problem.

2) If Bobby Jindal is the next best thing for the Republicans, they are fucked. He's got nothing and he's a hypocrite. More on that in another post.

3) If Obama wants to get the budget balanced he needs to get us out of Iraq and forget this folly in Afghanistan. Also, and I realize that as a percentage of the budget it is tiny, he's got to keep the earmarks out of future bills as he did with the stimulus legislation. It will restore people's faith in government and get some of the McCain voters off of his ass.

NZS2, the HB and I are doing the bachelor thing. Salmon tonight, shrimp and pasta tomorrow. Woot!

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