Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Old Friends

Compared to most people, I would say I have a lot of old friends. I mean, I still hang with guys I've known from elementary school and the wife and I started dating 25 years ago. Which isn't to say that I don't make great new friends, but once we're friends, you're stuck with me for a while.

A great old friend, let's call him Duncan, found me on Facebook a couple of weeks ago. When we were kids, Duncan and I were/are HUGE Monty Python fans, enjoyed similar enough music that we played in rock/blues bands together, etc. As I went to college and he didn't, we drifted apart. We lived in different places (though he lives about 1/2 mile from where we grew up now) and just lost touch. One time several years ago he came trick-or-treating with his young son at my parents' house when I happened to be visiting, but I'm sure that was the only time I saw him in the last 20 years.

After exchanging a message or two, we worked it out so we could have lunch yesterday. It was great. The connection between us was still there and we had ample time to get caught up. When I run into people from my past and all we do is talk about the old times, it's pretty obvious that there isn't much there. Duncan and I didn't talk about the old times hardly at all. We talked about our kids, work, music, sports, etc.

The night before Thanksgiving is on of the few times when the guys in my fantasy football team get together for a few beers. There are some guys in the league who know Duncan as well. Hopefully he'll join us.

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