Monday, November 10, 2008

Award for My Mom

Yesterday, the temple my parents belong to gave my mom what amounts to a lifetime achievement award. You gotta believe me when I tell you that it's well deserved. They've belonged there for over 40 years and she's held just about every volunteer position, including being the first female president of the congregation. Even my brother flew out for it.

There was a nice program and lunch (salmon and talapia) and she seemed generally touched by it all. I hope that I'm as good of a volunteer role model to the HB as my parents were to me and my brother.

Afterwards, we went and saw Madagascar 2, which was surprisingly good. Most kid movie sequels suck, but this one was worth seeing. The HB and NZS enjoyed it as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your mother is amazing. I only know that for sure because I know you. *raises a tequila-valium-cocktail to her*