Monday, June 8, 2009


The HB and I got to hang out this morning as he was off from school and science camp doesn't start until tomorrow. So, we ran out and got bagels (bagel, egg, bacon, and cheese sandwiches), when kayaking and watched part of X-Men 2 while eating lunch. Definitely a fun day.

While we were out and about, we chatted about the play. I wanted to get a sense of how interested he is in continuing (no surprise--VERY). I also wanted to feel him out as to how much disappointment he was still feeling about not getting the part he wanted (none) and how important it is for him to get bigger and better parts. Regarding the latter, he's not driven at all to get any better than one would expect from his maturation process. I have mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, he doesn't strike me has having a lot of innate skills for the theater (as I've written before, I believe his talent lies in set/lighting/costume design). So, he'll suffer a lot less disappointment and be able to enjoy the experience and the company of the other kids. On the other hand, it would be nice to see him be passionate about something. He enjoys a lot of things, but nothing drives him in a way where he continually wants to get better at it.

I'm not going to tell him what that should be. But, I hope that he finds it.

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