Thursday, April 16, 2009

Catch-Up and Taxes

I think I'm FINALLY caught up at work. Of course, I should say that in a stage whisper or else who knows what else if going to flood my inbox. I've got a proposal due tomorrow and I need to decide if I want to do more work for a new client (they don't pay particularly well).

Monday I sent off our taxes. The good news is that we're getting a refund from the State and Feds. The bad news is that we gave them an interest free loan last year. Sigh.

As a Libertarian, April 15th is a black holiday. It's the one time that you can get people to ask, "Exactly what am I getting for my money here?" What kills me is the republicrats faux anger at the situation. It would be one thing if Reagan, Bush I and Bush II shrunk government, but they didn't. The fact is that there are no serious "small government" republicrats with any power in the party. Shit, these guys spent money in Iraq and Afganistan and wouldn't even put it in the budget.

Both parties want big governement. They just disagree on what they want to blow our money on. It's either matriarchical local programs or patriarchical weapons programs. And, of course, anything that sends federal money into their district.

So, as you look with sadness at your check register, or wait in anticipation at the mail box, spend a few minutes thinking about how well your money's been spent. Once you stop crying, you can go register as a Libertarian (see link at the right).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Um, all I heard about on April 15th was teabagging. Teabagging everywhere. By the Republicans!!! At first I got all kinds of excited and thought maybe I should switch parties, if you know what I mean. Then I found out it was only about taxes.
