Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Having Some Water Near Heartbreak Hill

Xmas eve-day at the in-laws has come and gone without serious incident. After calculating how much time it would take to make pasta for 11 people and being informed that we should eat as soon as possible, Plan B was implemented: Make sauce, prepare baked zita and spaghetti out of the box. My s-i-l made some delish bruschetta and salad and we went super-carb. Woot!

Many drinks (diet coke and Jack, cosmos and wine) were served and everyone seemed to like their prezzies. I got Death Magnetic, which is funny since that's what the HB got his mom. I also got come cooking stuff and a book about Andrew Jackson. The HB and the nephew made out like bandits, of course.

We left my s-i-l's at about 5:30 or so. We've been having a nice night at home. We DVRed some xmas movies/shows (A Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on Evergreen Terrace) and played some Scrabble. Then, the wife realized that she hadn't baked stuff for the neighbors. So, at 9:15pm on xmas eve, I shit you not, she went to the store and is baking as we speak. So much for packing for our Vegas trip tonight.

The HB is showing odd behavior, well for him, also. This year is by far the most materialistic he's ever been about xmas/hannukah. He's asking how early we can get up to open presents--something he's never done before. We told him 9am and you might think that we took away his birthday or something. I'm thinking that he'll live.

As I mentioned in a previous post, back to the in-laws tomorrow (I'm sensing that we're going to have leftover pasta for lunch) then off to Vegas. Woot!

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