Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You Talk About Your No Win Situation

Because the mainstream media's bored, it likes to create false choices to entertain themselves. One I've recently seen pop up is, "If Obama's elected president, will that be good or bad for blacks in the US?" To me, the crazy argument is that his election will be BAD for blacks because it will make whites think that there's no more racism. Huh? Sure, I guess some whites will say, "Yup, a black man's president, I guess everything's ok now," but not many. Of course, by that argument, a black man/woman should NEVER be president so that we can always be reminded of racism. Not exactly the, "You can be anything you want to be" message we want to send to youth of all races.

Let's be honest. If he gets elected it IS a big blow against racism. It shows a bunch of knuckleheads that blacks are smart and ambitious enough to succeed in any walk in life in the US. And if it inspires more young blacks to stay in school or study harder, so they move up the socio-economic ladder, so much the better.

His election would also tell us how far whites have come in this country. Will some vote for Obama to relieve some sort of guilt? Perhaps. But, 50 years ago I don't think that would have crossed many people's minds. And it would be hard for any white to convince him/herself that blacks are inferior after voting for one for president.

It makes you wonder if some of these people who think that his election will hurt blacks have too much to benefit from the status quo. Because if racism is their business, business may not always be good.

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