Saturday, June 7, 2008

Act II

The HB's second performance went well. They have alternate casts so that they can spread out the bigger parts. In cast two, the HB had fewer speaking lines, but was on stage more. He had a really good time but was clearly whooped by the end of the evening.

So, I'm off to Oakland in the morning for a conference. I was asked to serve on this organization's board last year. I'm a big believer of saying Yes when asked to do these things in volunteer organizations, but I'm close to regretting this one. Things are in turmoil (we just got kicked to the curb by the umbrella organization--which is a good thing) so we have a lot of ground to cover. But, we don't meet frequently enough, and the president isn't directive enough, for things to get done. Perhaps the crisis will force us into meaningful action.

I just hope I can make it to a bar with a TV and watch the Laker game after the meeting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry about the game, man...