1. wine: which do you prefer ... reds or whites, or perhaps something different, like a dessert/ice wine?
All other things being equal, my preferences are in this order: Zinfandel, Syrah, Rioja, Savignon Blanc and Chardonnay
2. What kind of beer, if any, do you prefer?
Again, in order: Brown Ale, Bitter (like you'd get in England or Red Hook ESB), something with a yeast that gives off a creamy taste (e.g., Boddington's), the coldest one within reach. When I make beer I try to anticipate the season (e.g., darker beers for winter, pale ales for summer, etc.).
3. spirits: are you a hard-liquor drinker? if so, what kind(s)? if not, why not?
Yes, very much so. Have always had a man-crush on Jack (lol). I also went through a period where my motto was, "Anything made with vodka tastes better with tequilla. Also, a taste for single-malts runs in my family. More regularly I'll drink vodka and cranberry (something I established a taste for when my wife was pregnant--when we'd go out she'd drink cranberry juice and I would get mine high-test), Jack and diet Coke, or just about any strong liquor and Hansen's Ginger Ale.
4. Let's say I'm going to open a wine bar opens in a few weeks, and my spouse thinks i have too many people to invite to the grand opening. should i brown-nose and keep my bosses on the guest list, or should i forget them and just stick with my good friends (the bosses will probably overhear people talking about the opening, unofortch).
If it were me, I'd invite people who like to drink wine, have the money to do so and will tell their friends about it (see The Tipping Point).
5. when i drink a good red, i LOVE to have a rich, thick, heavy slab of parmesan to eat while enjoying my wine. when you drink alcohol (or in the past, if you are currently a non-drinker), what types of snacks or foods do you like to have while you drink ... and are their certain 'pairings' you prefer?
Funny story...the first good wine class I took was taught by a Hepatologist. I shit you not. He was of the belief that any good wine goes with any good food. I tend to agree. Having said that, I love a a crisp Savignon Blanc with spicy food and a spicy Syrah or Zin with bland food.
6. are you going to watch the oscars this weekend? why or why not?
Yes, because my wife will--and she only watches for the clothes.
7. i love celeb fashion, and love the snarky site "go fug yourself" even more. are you interested in any of the red carpet styles that happen at awards shows?
I couldn't care less. I think that the people who make money off of that stuff are parasites.
8. Even if it involves resurrecting Jim Morrison or Bob Marley from the dead, which musical artist/group would you die to see live?
This may be a little more of an obscure response than the question was intended, and I'll assume that for the dead or broken up we get to here him/her/them at the height of their powers, but here goes:
The Jeff Beck Group. The interplay between Beck and Rod Stewart is amazing (and yes, it pre-dates that great thing that Page and Plant had).
Led Zeppelin. Yes, I'm a sucker for great blues guitar.
The Rolling Stones, with the Keith Richards and Mick Jones lineup. This is the version that recorded Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main Street.
The Replacements. I LOVED these guys and saw them a bunch of times. Paul Westerberg's a genius, but IMHO he's gotten formulaic of late. Either way, these were the guys made alt and punk rock really work.
Jane's Addiction. My wife and I saw them once at the Fonda theater in L.A., which is a tiny outdoor place near the Hollywood Bowl, on the Ritual De Lo Habitual tour. They had the whole place setup like the album cover. They played most of that record and a good deal of Nothing's Shocking and it was fucking amazing. I'd love to hear that band do that again.
And, just to see what kind of train wreck it was, Metallica when Dave Mustaine was still in the band.
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